I rode into work again. This time it snowed on my way to work instead of on my way home. Again, electrics work great. It's an awesome feeling to be inside the 'stich, especially if you can get a layer over the outside of the eclectic vest and under the suit. It's really cozy. I also slapped a set of enduro style hand guards on the bike. Keeps the wind off the fingers, it's a nice plus to the heated grips.
On the way to work some Department of Public Works (DPW) guys pulled level with me at a stop light and looked over. They were talking, clearly about me, and waved. I used to work some for the DPW on information projects. I like DPW guys generally. They're motor guys, they keep the roads in repair, keep water and sewer running and generally keep society from collapsing.
Showing up at work in near freezing temps (people are wearing down jackets!) wasn't my plan, but so far people seem OK with it. I can't imagine what people think.
Hmm. Anyhow, I needed to drop some paperwork at the town hall. I had to explain about the eclectic vest. Well, at least nobody is thinking I am so bad ass biker dude.
So I stopped by the garage, home to the Pelham DPW and their boss Rick., while over at the town offices. Rick rides cruisers and we had a good laugh about the snow and me riding in the cold and snow. We talked a little about my trip around the Maritimes in Canada and how it had rained every day. How cold but not wet isn't so bad, but how the snow is still freaky.
In a small town like Pelham it's funny to see how the town politics works in reality. I'm happy Rick and I have bikes common. There's a few other riders in town too, connected to the town. I'm going to push ride to work day as much as I can and maybe try and get an all Pelham ride together. It cant hurt and it might even be fun.
I'm finding I am in a good mood and more productive at work on days when I ride. In the stop and go traffic I've averaged around 42 MPG. All to the good.
I have to give it to you, riding today took guts! My drive from Southern Vermont into Keene NH faced icy roads most of the way.
I'll let you know when I get my commuter out (2005 Honda Rebel 250). Last year it was April through October.
The roads are pretty much ice free here but I wouldn't have tried my commute in the morning. Temps still are dropping into the low 20s.
I am now sure guts is the right word. maybe crazy. But, you know, to much sanity makes me nuts.
Let me know when you're rollin.
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